Monday, November 25, 2013

She is always right by our side

November 24th, 2005

I know the thought of being 60 makes your stomach turn, and you don't want to acknowledge that the day even exists, but as you know too well, not everyone gets to live to be 60. So, in honor of those who are not able to reach our age, whatever age that may be, we must celebrate. They would want nothing else.

With that said, for your Birthday I have printed two series of photographs for you.

The first is a set of three photographs from your wedding. I recently found the negatives in your chest. The photos were taken by Peter Crabtree. I printed two of mom. One that shows her smile and lighthearted approach to life and the other shows her constant beauty and intelligence. The third picture is of the two of you, because after all, you are the fabulous man that she married.

We all know that you miss mom dearly and will never forget her. Although we can't bring her back, I hope these photos give you a bit of comfort. The printing process was extremely rewarding. I even found myself having little chats with her. For example, when I was printing the picture of the two of you, she told me how unfortunate it was that you had lost so much hair. GOTCHA!!! No really though, she will talk to you. Just think hard enough, and she is always right by our side.

The second series of photos are from my time in the Middle East. I wanted to go to Israel because mom devoted a fair amount of her life to the Middle East and I wanted to try to further understand why it was so important to her. My time there was precious, thought provoking, tense and stressful all at the same time. I took more photos than I ever have in my life. I chose seven photos for you and printed them. They are titled Striking Land and Passionate People. I tried to convey the connection people make to the land of Israel and Palestine. After speaking to people, observing for 4 months and thinking on my own, I understand  many of the troubles, conflicts and sacrifices that will have to come in order for peace to be a reality.

Happy Birthday Daddy! I LOVE YOU!

Love, Shira

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